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Six Years

In Andrew, Wedding by Simmie4 Comments

Happy Anniversary Andrew! It hardly seems like it’s been six years since you held a death grip on that chair and prayed that the eight strapping men holding you up …

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Ten Years

In Andrew by SimmieLeave a Comment

Well, the third post of the year on this old blog is a good one.  Ten years ago (!), Andrew and I went on our first date at the Mormon …

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Nine Years

In Andrew by Simmie3 Comments

Posting this a little late, but a week ago, Andrew, Lulu, and I went to the Mormon temple to celebrate nine years together. We managed to dodge the rainstorms and …

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Four Years

In Andrew by Simmie1 Comment

Four years ago the rain had just passed and we were freezing our butts off (or at least I was), just enjoying a moment together before our shindig got underway. …