Running (175/366)

In 365Project by SimmieLeave a Comment



Today was not a very exciting day. We had a long day at work where we gorged on cake balls, banana bread, and pizza. Oh, and we did some actual work besides all that eating. For a Saturday, it wasn’t too bad, but I didn’t get home until nearly 6:30. I quickly headed towards my usual, fall-asleep-on-the-couch routine, but managed to get my butt up, lace up my sneakers and go for a run on the beach. The group we have down here is quite an active group. We run, bike, swim (yeah, we’re totally doing a triathlon, for real. July 22nd.), do yoga, surf, play volleyball, tennis, basketball, and ultimate. There’s no shortages of activities to get your heart pumping.

Most of the running is done solo though. I was going to run with one of my coworkers, but after one run I bailed on him. I’ve gone a few times myself, but haven’t really committed. Today I went out to go for a short 3 mile run down the beach and back. I’ve finally figured out running into the wind to begin with is a lot easier than running into it on the way back. It was hot and sweaty and for some reason the beach stunk. Phew, it smelled fishy. But I managed to slog my way through the run and when I got home, plopped on the couch, and drank some water, it felt good.

Wow, this post was boring. Sorry, today was not very exciting. Oh, I said that already.

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