Monkey Bread (203/366)

In 365Project, Recipe by Simmie2 Comments

Monkey Bread


I think I’ve mentioned before that sometimes my Saturdays involve a lot of…nothing.

Today was one of those days. And it was perfect. It was exactly what I had been looking forward to all week.

Pop Goes the Biscuits
Biscuit Nuggets

This morning I slept late! I woke up around 9:30 and then again at 11:30. Probably because I went to bed somewhere around 3 AM. After easing myself out of bed, I decided to make a breakfast treat. Monkey Bread! This stuff is so good and so easy to make. I use store-bought biscuits which makes it even faster.


Sugared Goodness

After stuffing myself silly with monkey bread, (good thing there’s lots more! The one thing about living alone and doing all this baking is that I think I eat a larger portion of my baked goods…tasty, but not always good.) I went for a bike ride. You see, I have this triathlon thing tomorrow. And while we’ve been doing some swimming, and even some running, I had yet to pull my bike out of the garage. So I got the tires pumped up and headed out for a short ride. Good thing too, considering how much monkey bread I have been eating. Things seemed pretty good, so I’m as hopeful about tomorrow as one can be when they have done only a minimal amount of training. (At least this time I did not do a leg-intensive workout the day before doing the hilliest triathlon ever.)

So, timeo for bed. Up at 4:30 tomorrow morning to get moving!


Monkey Bread

Adapted from The Pioneer Woman

  • 1 cup butter (2 sticks)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 4 canisters of buttermilk biscuits
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 3 tsp cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350°.

In a large ziploc bag, combine the cinnamon and sugar. Shake up the bag a bunch to make sure it’s evenly mixed.

Pop open the canisters and cut up the biscuits into quarters until you got a whole big pile of biscuit nuggets.

Drop those nuggets in to the bag on cinnamon sugar and shake, shake, shake you’re groove thang until they are evenly coated.

Spread the sugared nuggets into a pan.

In a medium sauce pan, melt the two sticks of butter and the brown sugar. Stir until combined. Pour the butter mixture over the nuggets. It will look pretty soupy.

Bake for 30-35 minutes until the top crust has browned. Let cool for 10 minutes and turn over onto a plate. Enjoy!


  1. Pingback: A Labor of Love (60/365)

  2. Pingback: The Perks for Being a Grown Up (291/366)

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