Roasted Broccoli and Shrimp (251/366)

In 365Project, Cooking, Recipe by SimmieLeave a Comment

Roasted Broccoli and Shrimp


Today was a good cooking day. Since Andrew was getting home late from work, I offered to cook some dinner. This was also another excuse to go to Wegmans. Twice in four days…I can a habit forming already.

Dinner was actually really easy. First I took two broccoli crowns and cut them into florets. I drizzled them with some olive oil, salt, pepper, and a little bit of cayenne pepper and spread them in a single layer on a baking sheet. Then I roasted them in a 425° oven for 10 minutes.

While the broccoli was roasting, I peeled and deveined 3/4 of a pound of shrimp. Raw, peeled shrimp look like slugs. I tossed the peeled shrimp in some olive oil, salt, pepper, and some red pepper flakes.

After 10 minutes, I took the broccoli out and tossed the shrimp on the baking sheet with it and tossed it all together. I put it back in the oven for 5 minutes, stirred and flipped the shrimp and broccoli, and then put it back in for another 5 minutes. Then I served it over white rice.

It was so easy and delicious. Andrew told me multiple times how good it was, and went back for seconds. It was so simple, but roasting the broccoli made it so flavorful (and it doesn’t get soggy the way it can when you steam it for too long…oops).

And the rice. Oh the rice.

We finally finished out our bag of rice. It took nearly six years, but Andrew triumphantly cooked the last bit while I was in Florida. I got some new rice at the store today and I’m not sure if it’s the rice, or my super awesome ability to work a rice cooker without any directions, but today, today I made PERFECT rice. PERFECT. I don’t think you understand how amazing this is to me. When we go out for Korean, I hoover down at least two bowls of rice at every meal. Usually I eat someone else’s too. It’s sticky and delicious and I have never been able to recreate it. But today…today I found perfection. Oh my bajeezus.

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