Cousins (331/366)

In 365Project, Travel by Simmie1 Comment



This afternoon I hopped on plane to continue my travels across the United States. I’m in Colorado for one day to witness a test (fingers crossed it goes well!). While I was in Denver I got a chance to visit with my cousin Rachel. She moved out here a couple of years ago and it’s been a while since I’ve gotten to catch up with her.

Rachel is the next youngest cousin in my family and is four years older than me. When we were little, we always got along, but we didn’t really hang out too much. We lived a ways away from each other so we only saw each other a few times a year for family events. Plus, when you’re twelve, hanging out with an eight year old isn’t that much fun.

But now that we’re older, it’s not quite so bad hanging out with your four years younger cousin. She picked me up from the airport and we went out to dinner and got to catch up. We talked for like three and half straight hours and if we didn’t have that pesky thing called work, I think we could have kept talking for another three and a half. I’m SO glad I got the chance to see her.

It’s a shame this trip is so short. Hopefully I’ll be back out here and we’ll get to hang some more. (Also, she’s the second person this week to tell me about the Amazing Race and like the third person to tell me I should be on it. So we’re going to work on our application for the next season.)


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