52 Weeks – Week 19

In Weekly Photo by SimmieLeave a Comment

We went out for Indian food with Mike and Erin because apparently I like Indian food now. We ordered so much food we needed two tables. This is generally how we roll.

Week 19

Samosas and delicious sauces.

Week 19

It was Liz’s birthday, so I got her a balloon. As I was bringing the balloon to the car it popped. The nice ladies at the store saw me with my sad deflated balloon and gave me a new one for free. Kindness is the best.

Week 19

Liz kept talking about Sherrie’s Berries which are chocolate covered strawberries. I didn’t get the hint so by the time I wanted to order them, it was was too late. Turns out Godiva chocolate strawberries are SEVEN DOLLARS A STRAWBERRY. No one can afford that, so I decided to make my own.

Week 19

The Abels are basically just an adorable family. I couldn’t get a picture of Aly because she was too busy being a nine year-old girl. Multiple nine year-olds girls together is very intimidating.




After completing the most inefficient journey over multiple modes of transportation to go approximately 6 miles, we had Mother’s Day dim sum. After Mother’s Day dim sum we had some time to spare so we stopped for gelato.

Week 19

Blood orange and lemon. So good.

Week 19

Andrew got some coffee.

Week 19

Monday morning these guys showed up with their big truck to trim the trees in our backyard. Funny, as we had no idea they were coming (or had come the week before). Our trees do look good now though!

Week 19

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