Simmie’s Food Rules

In Uncategorized by Simmie4 Comments

If you’ve ever spent a day with me, you may have noticed that I have a few (or a lot) of food rules. Mainly they make no sense to anyone except me and I don’t think I’ve ever tried to write them down or compile them. So, in lieu of another recipe, I now present to you Simmie’s Rules of Eating:

1. No candy before 11 AM. That means at 10:59 AM, I cannot eat candy. At 11:00 AM, bring on the sugar!

2. No ice cream before 11 AM.

3. Chocolate is included in the 11 AM rule. However, if the chocolate is part of a breakfast item, it is ok to eat. That means I can eat Cocoa Crispies, chocolate doughnuts, chocolate croissants, chocolate chip muffins, chocolate chip pancakes, and drink hot chocolate before 11 AM.

4. No soda before 11 AM. This includes Orangina which is carbonated, so it is like soda. In fact, I believe all carbonated beverages are not allowed before 11 AM.

5. While candy is a hard and fast rule, other snack foods have a bit more leeway. Chips, Cheez-Its, and other crackers may be eaten before 11 AM, but are generally avoided. Basically, if it’s something you would eat with a beer in your hand, I would probably prefer not to eat it in the morning.
6. I don’t like my food to touch. If every plate I had was one of those divided plates, I’d be cool with that. There are a bunch of specifics and caveats to this though:
  • Salad dressing must never touch anything besides salad.
  • Tomato sauce must never touch salad. Actually, most sauces should not touch anything but what they are supposed to be on.
  • Cranberry sauce may touch turkey but nothing else.
  • Corn should not touch mashed potatoes.
  • Gravy should only touch the meat it’s going on. Gravy must never touch corn.
  • All Chinese food can touch.
  • Dishes like shepherd’s pie are ok, because all those foods are supposed to touch.
  • Anything with mayonnaise should not touch anything else.
  • If it’s easy to separate, it might be acceptable if they touch. For instance, corn bread can touch a baked potato, because cross-contamination is minimal.
I’m not sure this is a comprehensive list, but it’s a good chunk of my rules. They are not quite hard and fast rules, but it’s rare that I waiver from them. I have no idea where they came from and I have no idea if I’ll ever change them, but they work for me. Anyone else have weird food neuroses?



  1. Pingback: Breaking the Fast (270/366)

  2. Pingback: Lucky Charms (222/366)

  3. Pingback: Pie » simmiecakes

  4. – First, I’m kinda with you on sweets. I have an extreme sweet, but I generally crave them at night after dinner
    – I don’t like cheese on my pasta (my brother has been telling me I’m not really Italian for years)
    – I don’t like cake much unless it’s my mom’s carrot cake or my choc chip banana with pb frosting
    – I like cucumbers plain, but not in salad
    that’s all I can think of right now

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