Pumpkin Carving

In Uncategorized by Simmie3 Comments

We had a big weekend over here in Maryland. The weekend started out with four of us running…a marathon.

Go Team Mars Bars! (Can you figure out our team name? Hint: in the above picture there are three Space Department engineers and one future lawyer.) The four of us successfully navigated the hills of Baltimore to collectively complete the 26.2 miles of the Baltimore Marathon. It was cold, it was hectic, but it was a ton of fun! Plus, we got cool shirts.

Sunday morning was spent amongst the lords and ladies of the Maryland Renaissance Festival. We saw jousting, we saw comedy, we had lots of fun with adorable kids, and most importantly, we threw a lot of stuff. We tried our hand at throwing stars, knives, axes, slingshots, and bows and arrows. And the conclusion we reached from our wide array of attempts with semi-authentic (but not really) medieval weaponry? I suck at all of them. Andrew apparently has a knack for throwing things that need to rotate to stick into anything (knives and axes), so if you’re ever in the need to catch someone falling by pinning them with a knife through their clothes from a far distance…well, you may have found your man (2 out of 7 times).

We also hit up the Redskins-Colts game, but really, there’s no need to recap that one.

Somewhere in our downtime, when we weren’t napping, we managed to carve a few pumpkins. Andrew went with the jaunty jack-o-lantern, while I tried my hand with some mischievous cats. I honestly can’t remember the last time I carved a pumpkin (The Jackster was much more into painting them), but it’s one of those fall activities that the quintessential New Englander within me really thinks we should do every year.

And then we roasted some pumpkin seeds. Hopefully at some point I’ll get around to showing you that.


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