National Capital Area Cake Show

In Uncategorized by Simmie2 Comments

Last weekend I hit up a cake show. You know, as you do. Actually, apparently some people do.

We went to the National Capital Area Cake Show, and man, it was intense. I am totally not cakey enough for these people. As we walked through the parking lot to get to the show, we saw multiple cars with license plates such as CAKELUV, CAKEME, CAKEMAN…cars that had baking related stickers on their back windshields, cars that had cake bumper stickers…clearly Big Red is lacking in cake related paraphernalia.

It was actually pretty cool though. There were tons and tons and tons of cake entries on display. The one above was one of my favorites. I’ve never entered a cake show, but maybe next year will be the year I up my cake ante.

Andrew (unsurprisingly) liked this cake:

There were also a whole bunch of cake supply vendors. It was actually rather overwhelming. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who thought so:

I kind of hope they won the People’s Choice Award.

Of course, we didn’t actually vote for this “cake” (although there was some serious discussion). We voted for this rockin’ pirate ship:

Ahoy! This was one of the beginners! (Goodness, I hope I qualify as a beginner, this person is awesome!)

Now, what should my entry be next year?


  1. next year you should make a cake of all of your friends. like a giant sheet cake with little people doing little stuff. Like Jen could be in a classroom. Mellissa could be in court. You obviously out in outer space baking a cake!!!! oh wow that would be cool. maybe just a space ship but like cut in half and inside it will be the ultimate Simmie Bakery.

    now i want cake..

    I am also watching Cake Boss. He is making a dog shape cake. and he is also making a cake for the dogs. I think you need a “Simmie Cake’s Show”. but we need to find a more creative name.

    I think I will bake a cake tonight. chocolate cake. (i love chocolate) I need to look through your old cakes for inspiration….

  2. hmmmm… maybe a battle scene from the next Harry Potter movie? Or a Quidditch field? (sorry, my uber-Harry Potter-fan side is starting to emerge with the last installment coming so soon)
    Or maybe a giant cherry-blossom tree…

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