Cakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkke. And Sleep.

In Cakes, Fun Cakes by Simmie4 Comments

(Haha, the hilarious thing about this post is that I actually typed it up last night in the midst of my cake making stupor. And then because I was in such a stupor, I forgot to actually post it. Update though, all cakes are completed and delivered!)

Whatcha Lookin' At?

Seriously folks, I’m up to my elbows in cake. I had three cakes this week and they weren’t the easy kind. As I type this, two of the cakes have been completed and one is in process. The last cake will be finished tonight and then it’s time to sleep. And sleep. And sleep. And then go to a birthday party. And then sleep some more.

The first two cakes I made this week were shaped cakes. Can you guess what they are from the pictures above? I actually haven’t made a shaped cake in a while and while it was a challenge, it was a good challenge. It was the kind of challenge that you get so engrossed in that you don’t realize you’ve been decorating cake for 5 straight hours and it’s 4 in the morning.

Alright, it’s back to the cakes. And the sleeping. Let me know if you can figure out what those cakes are. I’ll post full pictures and stuff in the next few days. After I finish that other cake. And sleeping. So much sleeping.


  1. Pingback: Monkey Cake!

  2. well, i’m not sure about the first one but i guess it’s a human doing something
    and i think the second one is a racecar

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