Pudding Fail (59/366)

In 365Project, How To by Simmie1 Comment

Elise Missed The Giant Bowl(59/366)

The picture above is a clear indication of why Elise is no good at basketball. Aside from the fact that she barely tops five feet in height and as far as I know have only seen her actually run once. (This was seriously the exchange that went on between the rest of us while watching Elise run:

“Why does Elise look weird right now?”

“Hm…I’m  not sure.”

“Holy cow! It’s because she’s RUNNING!”

It was a sight foreign to all eyes.)

She has no aim.

Tonight Elise had a spoon. In the spoon was a great spoonful of chocolate pudding. Elise’s job was to get the chocolate pudding into the bowl. But somehow, despite the fact that the bowl was approximately 15 times bigger than the spoon, and the fact that spoon was a mere three inches from the bowl, she STILL managed to drop a giant blob of pudding on the counter. This is talent folks.

But, aside from maligning Elise’s athletic abilities, we made a trifle. If you’ve been reading long enough, you’ll know I’m not a big fan of wasting leftover cake or cupcakes when I bake. My primary choice for leftover cake is to make a trifle because it takes about 8 minutes to make and people seem impressed that you were able to layer three things together. (The other thing I make are cake balls. Humongous ones.)

We started with a bowl of leftover cupcakes.

Leftover Cupcakes

And crumbled them into a large bowl.

Cupcake Bits

Then we had the “Pudding Incident” (as it with henceforth be known).

Elise Missed The Giant Bowl

And the toppings were prepared. And by prepared I mean the banana was sliced and the giant bag of chocolate chips was taken out of the cupboard. This is a very extensive and complicated dish if you hadn’t caught on yet.


Finally, they were sprinkled on top of the pudding layer.

Looking Good

We then spent a good 2-3 minutes trying to capture and action shot of Elise dumping the cool whip into the bowl. However, our timing is terrible and we basically ended up with a picture of a mound of cool whip.

Cool Whip Mountains

Overall, we spent far too long trying to get pictures of things being thrown in the bowl. It took forever and we discovered that I have awful timing and Elise has awful aim. Out of all of the pictures we took, we got one good one.

Flying Cake!

After another layer of cake, pudding, toppings, or cool whip, that trifle was finished. That’s it! I’m done.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Trifle


  1. Pingback: Just Getting Started (60/366)

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