Korean Food (92/366)

In 365Project, Eating Adventures by SimmieLeave a Comment

Korean Food(92/366)

I spent this weekend up in the mountains. We went hiking, we slept in tents, we sat by the fire. I hadn’t been camping in a while and for the most part, it was a great experience. Sleeping on a tube of chapstick and a small flashlight was probably and experience I could have done without. Also waking up because my toes were frozen. But sitting around the fire with a bunch of kids, roasting marshmallows and reliving the musical hits of the nineties is something I’ll be glad to remember.

After a late start, I rushed home so I could see one of my favorite people. My friend Steph I., is one of the nicest people I have ever met in my entire life. Every time I see her, the sun shines a little brighter, the birds sing a little sweeter, and rainbows burst forth from the sky. I got to meet up with her and with our friend Shosh, who is one of the most accomplished, morally good-minded people I know. It was a gabfest with greatness. Sometimes I can’t believe these people are my friends.

Then tonight, I came home and Andrew and I made our own version of bibimbap, which is a Korean dish of rice, vegetables, and meat. We made it using what we had on hand which was some sauteed spinach, bean sprouts, kimchi, bbq beef, and a fried egg. Not as good as the real stuff, but still tasty. It was a good meal to cap off a big weekend.  I’m pooped.

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