New Fruit (119/366)

In 365Project, Eating Adventures by Simmie2 Comments

New Fruit


After stuffing ourselves silly with Korean BBQ tonight, Andrew and I headed over to the local Korean grocery store to pick up some kimchi making supplies. Tomorrow Andrew is going to brew beer and I’m going to make kimchi. Both require a heck of a lot of patience, so we’ll see in a while how successful we are in a month or so.

While we were at the store picking up cabbage, radishes, and an ungodly amount of chili flakes, we also picked up a few different fruits to try. The one on the left is a dragon fruit. I have no idea what it tastes like, but quite frankly, something called a dragon fruit better be awesome. I also picked up a Korean pear which is one of the most refreshing fruits I’ve ever had. It’s like a cross between a regular pear and a crispy apple and a watermelon. Or something. I dunno, it’s good.



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