Expect the Unexpected (125/366)

In 365Project by Simmie2 Comments



Well today certainly did not turn out how envisioned it being. There were s0me really cool parts and some really not cool parts and some really unexpected parts.

First, the cool parts.

We got to see the launch! We drove to the Causeway today and had an awesome view of the Atlas V launch. Things went smoothly this time and we didn’t have to wait long. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, but it was pretty cool. Even cooler, one of the guys I went to college with worked on the satellite that was launched. And another guy I went to college with worked on the launch vehicle. What a small world.  Here’s a video:

After seeing the launch I wanted to see some alligators. Apparently there’s a few areas on base where the gators like to chill. We drove over to this pond where sometimes they hang out and sun themselves. At first it looked like we struck out, but once you started to look more carefully, it was completely the opposite. Turns out they were hanging in the water the whole time!


We saw at least seven or eight of them just hanging out. It was pretty cool being able to see them up close, but it was a little nervewracking thinking about what could happen if they started going nuts. We stayed far enough away that I don’t think they noticed us though.

Now for the not cool part.

On my way home, I totally got rear-ended! I’ve had my sweet car for a grand total of four days and then, boom! However, the important thing is that no one was hurt and overall things went about as well as they could in that situation. The lady was so apologetic and immediately claimed full responsibility. We managed to get everything straightened out pretty quickly and since I’m driving a rental, I just went back to the rental place and swapped out my car. Done and done.


My car certainly had seen better days.


But her car was much worse.

Now for the unexpected (not that getting rear-ended is expected).

Turns out I’m a pool shark. Ok, not really. But we had an evening of pool and my team certainly held the table longer than any other team. I’m not sure how much I contributed to that, and how much we can credit my partner. Ok, yes I can. He did most of the work.

The evening ended with many of my coworkers singing karaoke. Lots and lots of karaoke. In order to protect those involved, I will not be posting the video here. But I have it. For my own personal enjoyment.


  1. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself. So what happened that you got rear ended? I’m glad to hearyou are ok. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  2. Wow! I love your posts, especially because I can read that everyone is OK BEFORE gasping at the car damages! Woah. We were rear-ended fairly recently and BAM!…. it is an unexpected surprise. Aleve, my dear, and it helps the day-after soreness inevitably resulting from the shock and jarring. As for the rest: AWESOMENESS!!!!! TOTAL AWESOMENESS!!!!!! So glad you take photos and videos! I (like the rest of us reading your blog) LOVE them all! Happy trails!

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