A Day of Learning (148/366)

In 365Project, General Baking by SimmieLeave a Comment

Melting Ice Cream


Today I went to a party at my place. It was a Memorial Day BBQ I suppose and a bunch of people came over to socialize and eat some good food. I hosted the party, but I did not host the party. I provided the location but someone else sent out the details, brought the food, cooked the food, and cleaned up. It’s really the best way to host a party I think.

I learned some other stuff today while having this party. I learned my freezer has an ice maker. How I managed to not notice this after opening my freezer a dozen or so times, I’m not sure. I also learned there’s a trash chute in my condo. I’ve been taking the garbage down eight flights each week, when I could have just dumped it. The final thing I learned is that there is another elevator in my building. One that is actually closer to my front door. Apparently I’m not very aware of my surroundings.

Brownie Ice Cream Sandwiches

For the BBQ tonight, I did make dessert. I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and I attempted to make brownie ice cream sandwiches. It’s a little tough baking down here, because I don’t have all of my supplies and pans, but I make do with what is available. I think I need a larger ice cream to brownie ratio for these sandwiches. They were still good, but not quite the consistency I was looking for. But c’mon, brownie, ice cream, maybe a little fudge sauce? I’m totally onto something here…

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