I Want A Puppy (196/366)

In 365Project by Simmie3 Comments

Welsh Corgie


I went to a pool party tonight and spent half the evening chasing this dog around to try to get a good photo. Tucker may have hilariously short legs which result in him kind of waddling around, but man that dog is elusive. And adorable. His leg to body ratio is just so funny. He was also the quietest, most chill dog I’ve met in a while. And I’ve met a lot of them recently. Along with the average age of my condo building being  somewhere in the 78-80 range, the average percentage of tenants owning tiny, yapping dogs is somewhere in the 75-80% range. Or at least that’s what it seems like to me.

Anyways, now I want a Welsh Corgi puppy because they are so gosh darn cute. I mean, look at this face:

I also jumped into the pool fully clothed.

Also, my coworker got pushed into the pool fully clothed. With a Blackberry and an iPhone in his pocket. Yes, that sucks as much as you think it might.


  1. we take Bailey up to the farm and her two best friends are corgis.. Duncan and Belle…. I think you MUST GET A PUPPY!

    says the girl who is dog sitting at the moment and writing on Simmie’s Blog on a Friday night 🙂

    1. Author

      Haha, I agree!

      says the girl sitting here reading comments on her blog on a Friday night. GO US!

      1. WE ROCK!

        I think its so funny when corgi’s run….. they waddle. Bailey and the other farm dogs ( 2 labs + 2 corgis + 1 basset hound + Bailey (mini poodle) = total craziness!! ) Bailey gets frustrated that the corgi’s can’t run fast enough so she just jumps over them….its hilarious! I will try and take a video of the craziness next time I go up there

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