Watermelon Juice (227/366)

In 365Project, Andrew by Simmie1 Comment

Watermelon Juice


When Andrew and I were in Mexico in the spring, the place we stayed at had a watermelon juice fountain. Andrew LOVES watermelon. I forget if he loves watermelon or blueberries more, but it’s one of the top two for him. We’ve had watermelon eating contests (I won! He was too busy savoring the delicious watermelon to actually eat it quickly), eaten huge hunks for dinner, and look forward to enjoying its juicy goodness during the summer.

Watermelon Chunks

Of course, for some reason the other day I bought an entire watermelon. I’m not sure why I thought even I could eat an entire watermelon. After enjoying a number of slices, I still had a pretty big portion left over. So I decided to try to recreate the watermelon juice we had in Mexico. The thing about the watermelon juice in Mexico, was that it tasted like you ground up a watermelon, not just added some filtered sugary water to some watermelon flavoring. It was very natural tasting as opposed to a lot of watermelon flavored things you get here.

Watermelon Juice
The easy thing about this, is that basically all you have to do was pulverize some watermelon chunks. I cut up the watermelon into chunks, added a teaspoon of sugar, and threw it in a blender. After a quick go around on the liquify setting, voila! Watermelon juice. It’s a cool and refreshing as I remember.


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