Productive Day(273/366)

In 365Project, Travel by Simmie1 Comment



Today we got a lot done. Fortunately when we woke up this morning, our bikes were still locked to our car. That would have made for a short trip.

Our first meeting of the day was with a potential florist. She was super nice and we got a good vibe from her. We also realized we don’t have too many opinions on flowers. She kept naming types of flowers and I would just nod dumbly back to her. But I think we’re headed in the right direction.

Next we finally meet our caterer! After months of emails, we finally got to put a face to the name. It was a very productive meeting. Also, our caterer totally catered Jane Lynch’s wedding!

Our third stop was to finally meet the coordinator at our wedding venue. I really love this place.


I think she liked us because when we met her I was wearing cardboard Maisie (from the children’s books) ears and we told her about our trip.

After that we met up with The Jackster and Barbara who came along for the ride with my mom. They’re pretty hilarious together. We hung out, dropped off the Crown Vic (Oh darn), and went to our final meeting of the day.

While we were chatting with a DJ, my mom randomly found her dress for our wedding! Rock on!

Finally, we all headed back to Amherst for dinner. Andrew and I were ravenous after not eating all day and could wait to sit down at a place called Judie’s. I had a four course meal, including French onion soup, that enormous Popover in the top photo, a Caesar salad, and a steak with potatoes. I ate so much.

Then, because Betsy, Liz, and I have an exercise regimen, I came back to the room and did core exercises for a half hour. Now it’s time for bed, so we can hit the road tomorrow. Whoa, I can’t believe it’s here!


  1. Judie’s was my favorite place when I was at UMass! I’m glad it’s still there. Have a good trip! Call me if you run into trouble and I will call out sick and come get you guys. 🙂

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