It’s Probably Like Five Pounds… (294/366)

In 365Project, Andrew by Simmie3 Comments

Sometimes You Have To Get Creative


This morning, after an early morning cake delivery, Andrew and I headed down to visit with our friend MC who lives in Charlottesville, VA. He and Andrew had been talking about going apple picking and seeing as I LOVE apple picking, the weather was going to be great, and Charlottesville is gorgeous this time of year, it was pretty much a no brainer.

Best Day of the Year

We got to town around noon and first went to have lunch at this great little pub in town. The food was really good and according to Andrew, they had a good beer selection. I will have to trust him on that one, but they did sell chocolate bars so I’m a fan.

The View


After lunch we headed up the nearby mountain (c’mon, look at that view) to go apple picking. There’s an impressive orchard right across the road from MC’s house. It has a large market with awesome cider donuts and the place is huge. There were only three kinds of apples to pick right now, but the trees just kept on going. They’re also a winery and have other fruits to pick during other parts of the year.

It's Hard to Reach

Since it’s a pretty busy place, sometimes the good apples were hard to reach. We didn’t have one of those extension picker things, so we had to get creative. Turns out, we’re a pretty good team.

It also turns out that we have absolutely no concept of weight. After picking what we thought was about 5 lbs of apples, we discovered it was closer to 15 lbs. Anyone have suggestions for things to make with apples? Because we have a lot of them.

We also picked out our pumpkin. Or rather, I picked out our pumpkin. Andrew said to just get whatever looked good, and this was the best pumpkin I could find.

Giant Pumpkin

It’s so beautiful! And round! And orange! And 37 lbs!

Yes, 37 lbs.

Carrying a 37 lb pumpkin three-quarters of a mile back to the car is not easy.

Too Cool For School
Possibly Giving Himself a Hernia
Strongman Pose

We made it without anyone getting a hernia, throwing out their back, or you know, dropping the pumpkin. Win!


  1. Pingback: 5-26-13 (362/366)

  2. Pingback: Apple Muffins (302/366)

  3. Well I made applesauce today and it turned out soooooooooo well. And it was so easy!

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