Reunion (8/365)

In 365Project2014 by SimmieLeave a Comment


This picture might not look that good, but it’s AWESOME.

You guys, that’s Adam B.! I have known Adam B. since I was five or so. We went to school together until we were in fourth grade and then we went to Hebrew school together until we graduated high school. Since then I’ve only seen him four or five times, but I love the fact that we can randomly hang out every 3 years and we can catch up and it’s great. I mean, it’s Adam B.!

(Everyone used to call him Adam B. because there were like four Adams in our class and we had to distinguish them from one another. Also, I’m pretty sure one of the other teachers thought his whole first name was AdamB because everyone called him that ALL the time.)

This is me and Adam B. and our friend Becca back in the day. We were probably 14 and we’re covered in cotton candy because we didn’t know how to work the cotton candy machine…


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