Bag Lady (52/365)

In 365Project2014, Derby by SimmieLeave a Comment




I tasked Andrew with taking my picture of the day today, which I think technically is cheating, but the alternative was me not showering after derby and basically no one wants that.

This is the picture he came up with. It’s actually a pretty good representation of what I look like most nights of the week. I’ve once again become a bag lady. I have a bag for work, two bags for derby, sometimes a rock climbing bag, and usually one other bag of random stuff. It’s how I keep my life organized. 

Since I go straight to derby practice from work, I have to bring a change of clothes. For a while this wasn’t going so well, as I generally forgot at least one item of clothing each time (usually sneakers) and culminating in me forgetting an entire outfit altogether. Now that I’m back on the bag system, this seems to be less of a problem.

This is also usually what my stuff looks like by the end of the night, because sometime in the last four years I became a huge slob. I blame Andrew for that because he’s constantly picking up my piles of crap for me. Have I mentioned he’s awesome?

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