Happy Birthday to The Jackster! (78/365)

In 365Project2014, The Jackster by SimmieLeave a Comment

The Jackster



Today is my mom’s birthday. Or as we like to call her around here, The Jackster. I look thoroughly unimpressed in that picture, huh?

She’s up in Massachusetts, livin’ it up like the cool lady she is. When I talked to her earlier, we had an engrossing conversation about vinyl siding. Apparently this is what happens when you become an adult.

But, no really, it’s her birthday! She’s some-amount-of-years young! I’m sad I don’t get to see her this year on her birthday (nor do I have the opportunity to send a garish flower/balloon/edible arrangement to her workplace and completely embarrass her cause she’s retired now). I know she went out to dinner, so I can only hope they sang her “Happy Birthday” at the restaurant and made her kiss a stuffed moose or something.

My mom is great. Sometimes she’s a little crazy, often she’s hilarious, but mostly she’s awesome. She’s taught me all about responsibility, money-management, hard work, and generosity. There’s a reason I turned out the way I did. As I get older and think about my upbringing, I’m more appreciative for the life she provided me. There was never anything I needed that I didn’t have and mostly I didn’t want for anything. Well, I wanted bunk beds and for her to drive a station wagon so I could sit in the way back facing the other way, but as an only child, neither of those were particularly practical. But yeah, my life has been good. So now it’s my turn to make sure her life is great and make sure she knows how much she’s loved. (A lot! Can’t wait to see you soon!!)



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