Cherry Blossoms in DC(102/365)

In 365Project2014, Derby by Simmie1 Comment

DC Cherry Blossom Festival



This morning I got up early and headed into DC to skate in the Cherry Blossom parade with the DC Rollergirls. I think this was the first time I had been in a parade since high school and it’s much different when you’re not wearing a wool uniform and have a plume on your head. 

We had a bit of a parking snafu, which meant three of us were skating through the crowds of parade goers as we tried to find the staging area, opposite the actual parade route. After successfully navigating our way through the throngs of people, we managed to get to the staging area right before we were supposed to step off into the parade. It was a lot of fun. There was a small, but mighty group of us who skated around, jumping over each other and waving to the crowds. There was a pretty good contingent of DemonCats there, including my co-captain, Bruisie, and we got a quick picture in before we set off on the parade route.

After the parade, I rendezvoused with Jen and we hit the road up to Hoboken to see Melissa. Melissa’s having a wedding shower tomorrow so we got a jump on the day and headed up a little early. After an excellent Mexican dinner we walked around Hoboken for a little while and enjoyed the view of New York City from across the river. 


It’s fun having the three of us together again, albeit for just a short visit. We’ve got to make the most of the hours we have together!



  1. Hi Simmie! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you but life remains a small world. My boyfriend and I just took a trip to DC and we saw you in the parade! You roller derby girls rock! I am a fan of your baking (I prefer to EAT baked goods, not make them) so I knew from your website that you do roller derby. Now that we are back in Haverhill (and wishing we were still in DC), I wanted to email you and say that you are awesome and doing such great things. I hope all is well!

    Rachael Sacco

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