Happy Birthday Andrew! (187/365)

In 365Project2014, Andrew by Simmie1 Comment

Happy Birthday Andrew!


It’s Andrew’s birthday! We are no longer scandalously two years apart in age.

We got up this morning with plans to leave the beach early to help avoid some of the traffic. This maybe sort of worked, but it still took us over an hour longer to get home that usual.

We got home mid-afternoon with plans to do nothing. We watched some TV, ate some lunch, and just relaxed. I worked on my project for a couple of hours before making Andrew a little something for his birthday.

Since neither of us particularly likes cake, it seemed silly to make him a birthday cake. Especially since I made him a cake last year, he really wasn’t due for another one until 2018. Andrew also doesn’t like butter which is completely ridiculous and unreasonable. He does love olive oil though. Like, he makes toast and puts olive oil on it. He can go through a container of olive oil in under two weeks. He’s serious about this stuff.

So, I ended up settling on an olive oil cake. I’ve never made or had one before so this was a little bit a leap of faith. This version of an olive oil cake is very light and spongy. It reminds me of an angle food cake. I also made some blueberry compote to go with the cake (Andrew also loves blueberries) and served it with French vanilla ice cream. 

If you look really closely in the picture above you can see that despite multiple trips to the store, we can’t seem to remember to buy birthday candles so we stuck with our old tried and true, match method.

Happy Birthday Andrew! 

Olive Oil Cake


  1. Pingback: Today is Andrew's 30th birthday!

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