Go Silverbacks!

In Andrew, Fun Cakes by SimmieLeave a Comment

Go Silverbacks!

Tonight is the start of Andrew’s second season of hockey. Or maybe it’s the second half of the first season? I’m not entirely sure. Anyways, every Saturday night he goes to play hockey at some varying hour of the evening from late to holy-cow-I-don’t-stay-up-this-late-late.

His team is awesome. They haven’t been the most successful on the ice in terms of wins, but if you look back from their first game to now, the amount of improvement is amazing. Plus, they’re an awesome group of people. They have a ton of fun and have a really good camaraderie on and off the ice.

Somehow (I’m not entirely sure how it happened) I became their official mascot. My name is Coco. I maybe chased that banana around the rink during their final game of the last season. Their team may not have the most wins, but they have the best fans!

A gorilla and a banana

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