Juiced (363/366)

In 365Project by SimmieLeave a Comment



Today was supposed to be my productive day. At first glance it wasn’t looking so good. Like a sloth, I slooowwwlllyyyy dragged myself out of bed this morning after getting up, eating breakfast, getting BACK in bed, and then watching a bunch of YouTube videos.

Eventually I decided to be productive member of society and started running errands up and down Maryland. After a bunch of non-interesting stops, I ended up at World Market. To me, World Market is the slightly less mainstream Target. It’s an amazing place to impulse shop. I ended up walking out with a juicer (in orange!) and a large, vacuum sealed glass jar. Naturally that meant I should make lemonade.

Lemons and Limes

I ended up making my version of the Australian drink, lemon lime and bitters. That’s another World Market discovery. It’s a carbonated beverage which means I get to use my carbonator, but it also means that the liquid has to chill before we try to pump it full of carbon dioxide. Drink pictures in the morning!

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