Gymnastics Reunion (319/365)

In 365Project2014 by SimmieLeave a Comment

Gymnastics Reunion


Now, this is a group that doesn’t get together very often.

Cathy is here! While, Mel, Steph I, and I have monthly dinners to catch up and keep track of each other, I haven’t seen Cathy is over four years. We all did gymnastics together at Cornell and since then we’ve all gone our separate ways. The last time I saw her was two houses ago when I lived with Betsy and we hosted a Hanukkah party. I can’t remember why Cathy was in town (with a few others), but somehow during the party they created this:

A lot has happened since we last got together and sitting there talking about our lives over the past four years and the lives of our teammates made me so proud. Every single person on our team has gone on to do great things. We’ve got lawyers and doctors and meteorologists who traveled all over the world (Cathy went to Antarctica), and live all over the country. It was super cool to get to catch up. The four of us sat chatting for over three hours until we each had to head back our respective ways.

Hopefully it’s not another four years until I see Cathy again (she lives in MA so there’s a hope we can meet up again soon), and if we have our way, we’ll get her to come and move down to DC!

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