Happy Thanksgiving! (331/365)

In 365Project2014, Andrew by SimmieLeave a Comment

Feaster Five


Happy Thanksgiving y’all!

This morning started like every Thanksgiving morning has started for the last six years. Jen and I got up early to run the Feaster Five. Years ago we used to go out to breakfast on Thanksgiving morning which to be quite frank, is stupid. But in 2009 we instead decided to fun a 5K on Thanksgiving morning. Of course, it’s a 5K that gives you an entire pie at the finish line, but still, better than stuffing ourselves with a huge meal before another huge meal.

This is the sixth year in a row we’ve done this, but this year we ran the 5 mile course instead of the 5K course. The 5 mile course? Not as fun. However, we did rock these splendid pie hats which got us a whole lot of comments and were just plain fun to wear. Last year we wore turkey hats, this year is pie…suggestions for next year?


The fun thing about this race is that it’s huge. Over 8000 people run every year so you are bound to run into someone else you know. This year we found Elizabeth! I also saw someone I did gymnastics with 15 years ago who recognized me, because apparently I still look the same as I did when I was 15. Kelly, it was good to see you!

After heading home and showering, Andrew and I drove over to the Millers for Thanksgiving dinner and wonderful instances like this happened.


There was so much food and everything was so good. We all ate until we were stuffed, sat around in a food stupor for a while and then picked ourselves up and settled in for dessert.

Andrew made good use of the hat.


I hope he was eating pie while wearing that hat. It just seems right that way.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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