It’s Good To Be A Kid in Our House (2/365)

In 365Project2014 by SimmieLeave a Comment




As in, it’s great to come visit us, because today in my kitchen I had no fewer than 5 sweets readily available. Let’s see, we currently have dark chocolate and white chocolate cookies and cream peppermint bark, a banana bread, a pound cake, a chocolate babka, ginger snaps, chocolate crinkle cookies, M&Ms, jelly beans, and Lindt truffles all at the ready. I did not make all of that, but I made enough. Also, that’s not the point. The point is, a kid could go into a sugar coma faster than you can list off all that stuff. I suppose not just a kid, but an adult too. This is what happens when I have a lot of free time.

Liz and Aubrey came over today to hang out for a while. And Aubrey really gave it a go when it came to those sweets. I think she managed a few pieces of candy, a slice of cake, and a slice of banana bread, and somehow still had room for some BonChon chicken for lunch. It was impressive.




Besides eating, we didn’t do a whole lot. Liz came over last weekend to help me organize our new kitchen. She was ruthless and effective, although we did have a bit of a tiff over whether it is necessary to own, metal, glass, AND plastic bowls (it is). She managed to get me toss two boxes of kitchen stuff, but now most everything fits in a cabinet or a drawer in a way that makes sense. Also, I have an ENTIRE drawer dedicated to spatulas. It’s great.

My vacation is winding down. I’m not sure I’m ready to face the real world again yet. It’s snowing and tomorrow is supposed to be frigid, so I’m looking forward to a cozy day in tomorrow. Hm…do you think I should bake something?

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